Is it possible to connect (dial up) 2 computers to the internet using only 1 phone?
How could that work?
Will the connection speed get slower?
Its possible when using dsl right?, but it costs a lot.
Connect (dial up) 2 computers to internet with only 1 phone?virus scanner
Only 1 at a time can dial out... you've only got one phone line, so only 1 call can be made at a time.
BUT if you network the computers you can use ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) which was in Windows from about win98 onwards to let the one that dialled out act as a proxy server for the other one.
What you need to do this is to connect the two together with some form of networking... two ethernet cards and a crossover cable is probably the cheapest way but a USB crossover lead and software would be possible as well. If you are really lucky your PCs will already have ethernet adapters (it's like a big RJ45 telephone jack with 8 wires in it) so all you need is an ethernet crossover lead. On the one that will dial out you start up ICS... and it either tells you how to set the other PC up to share the connection or it makes a floppy disk that will do the changes on your other PC.
Will it be slower? Yep, as both of you are sharing your 56k then it wil be slower... depends what you're doing by way of surfing. It also will be slower 'cos the PC that is doing the dialout will also be doing extra work... so use your faster PC for this job.
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