Thursday, October 8, 2009

A question about living computers, i was reading a article in popular science living machines?

If there building living computers how come they can't just download the electro-chemical impulses of the brain and up load them in another body?

A question about living computers, i was reading a article in popular science living machines?trojan

"Can't" is a big word, but for the time being, is appropriate. "Just" on the other hand implies greater ease than is the case. The amount of information is beyond daunting, probably more than brontobytes. Given that the brain is chemical as well as electrical in its storage characteristics and behavior, how would this information be stored? A jar perhaps, of nano proportions - a nanojar, to accompany the tiny electronics. Just imagine how well the current model is working!

A question about living computers, i was reading a article in popular science living machines?abtuvurys 2005

In a regular computer each bit of data is stored in a specific location so that it can be located and retrieved or modified, but your brain doesn't work like that. Your thoughts are more like trails of firing neurons that form patterns throughout multiple part of the brain. A single neuron (nerve cell) may participate in the activities of countless memories you have, and each time it might be slightly different from the time before. It's got all these little arms called dendrites that reach out to form connections with other neurons, and these connections get stronger or weak with time. This is a very different system of storing things compared to a modern computer. It's very hard to observe or record the long path of countless neurons firing and triggering each other to form the pattern of a single thought. If you don't observe or record it then how will you be able to copy it?

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