Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Will Global Warming Alarmists Stop Using Their Computers?

Has anyone measured the increase in the average carbon footprint of household due to the personal computer revolution? How about the increase of carbon footprints for small businesses, companies, and large corporations. There must have been an exponential growth in energy needs since the mid 1970's. How has that effected global warming? Is anyone willing to give up their computers, cell phones, and other energy using technology that has exponentially increased their carbon footprints?

Will Global Warming Alarmists Stop Using Their Computers?computer repair

Actually, newer technology is far more energy efficient than older technologies. Devices are starting to become more all-inclusive as well. For example, a computer can replace your television and radio and a computer tower (especially a compact one like I have - Dell XPS 200) with an LCD monitor uses much less electricity than an old fashioned tube television. Even if you still have an additional flat-panel tv, that's still less energy. Cell phones are far more efficient than plug-in cordless phones and they also eliminate the need for answering machine. Even appliances like washers, dryers and refrigerators are more efficient today.

The solution isn't giving things up completely; it's making them better.

Will Global Warming Alarmists Stop Using Their Computers?free antivirus

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