Wednesday, September 16, 2009

If u have 2 Computers...?

If u have 2 Computers connected to the same wireless network a the same time but u'r not using one of them , Are they still sharing the connecttonspeed or not?

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Nope, Connection speed shares when some computer is receiving or sending something. Like opening a website is Receiving and sending an e-mail is... sending.

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no you're not.
NO, you only use the connection when you request something. Like a webpage.
It's only using if you use it.
No. A computer is only using connection speed when it is actually accessing somthing through the internet.
if one computer isn't doing anything, then the other computer can have all the other's bandwidth (speed) If it needs it.
only a tiny amount t keep the connection alive, If your not accessing network resources then it just checks every so often to make sure its still there
They share the same speed. Of course, they both need to be on! Note: If you havea firewall, you may see the ISP trying to contact the other computer.

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