Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Do you think that computers help or hurt the developement of mathematics?

In the past a lot of neat math was created to allow people to solve problems without resorting to brute computation. Often times clever little tricks were created to circumvent ugly looking equations. Will the creation of computers that can do a lot of computation very quickly ultimately slow progress in mathematics?

Do you think that computers help or hurt the developement of mathematics?computer security

To some of the problems it offers HUGE help.

What would we do without it in number theory or combinatorics, operations research, just to name a few?

As everything else in the hand of idiots it can turn to be a curse.

In fact we're already there in some areas of physics. As Ortega y Gasset once said (i don't remember the exact wording): the development of physics allow for idiots to pursue quality research

Do you think that computers help or hurt the developement of mathematics?free spyware remobal

Basic computer classes will tell you, a computer can do anything that you can tell it to do, and it has the hardware for. If you tell it to pick up a sandwitch, and it has no arm, it can't do it. If you want it to solve a problem, but you can't tell it how to do it, it can't. The development of math is in the theoretical, where if we can't do it, the computer sure can't either.

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