Thursday, November 5, 2009

A world with out computers?

How would you life be affected if we didn't have computers? Would it be harder or easy? Would we be smarter or work harder?

A world with out computers?norton 360

My life? Well as a freelance graphic designer (specializing in web design and presentation work) who is married to a man with a masters in Computer Science (currently working as a high level programmer) and having 2 children who are largely self educating themselves on the computer and DVD player - I would be dramatically affected.

But when you think about how computers are vital in so many ways today - from cleaning water and providing electricity, to controling street lights and how we can get and use our money, I would say each and every one of us would be dramatically affected if we had no more computers.

Of course if we never had them, we would never miss them.

A world with out computers?photoshop

it won't be a world
Much harder at first, but we would adapt. We got this far without computers, we can do it again. However, initially, we'd be in total chaos, as practically everything know requires some form of microchip processor. Aftter solving the intial crises, however, we'd just go back to 100 years ago.
Naturally happier with peace.
People would read books and engage in actual in-person conversations. You would have to learn how to make change from a cash register and maybe even use a pencil and simple math using only your brain to add up the purchases.

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